
Public Consultation on Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s Response to the Inspector’s Initial Findings Letter on the Examination of the New Local Plan

The public consultation on this matter is now under way and if you wish to make a comment please visit the relevant pages on the TWBC website:

Consultation on TWBC's response.

Horsmonden Parish Council has responded with its comments to TWBC's response and  these can be viewed below:

HPC's response to the consultation

The evidence report referred to in HPC's Response can also be viewed below:

SLP Evidence Report


Bassetts Farm Hybrid Application - 24/00078/HYBRID

The Parish Council agreed their comments on the above application at their Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday 20th February. These comments have been submitted to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) for their consideration.

To view the Parish Council's comments please click on the link below:


HPC Response to 24/00078/HYBRID
In addition to this, the PC have prepared a Section 106 listing which has also been to sent to TWBC. This is a working document and will be updated as further costs are received.


HPC Section 106 Listing 


Planning Applications

If residents are interested to find out about planning applications made in the Tunbridge Wells borough, the Planning Application Search website allows you to search for details of applications, including a view of the planning history of each property. You can also sign up to receive details of applications and make comments.

It also includes useful information, policies and documents connected to this process.


TWBC Planning Search


If you would like to sign up to be notified of new applications in your area, use this link on the TWBC site.

Sign up for planning applications 

Planning Committee

The Horsmonden Parish Council Planning Committee is entitled to make comments on most applications. Dates for the meetings for local applications are set out on our Meetings section under The Council on our home page. Should a resident wish to speak about an application under the Public Session of these meetings, they may do so by contacting the Clerk.

The Agenda for each meeting is issued at least three working days in advance of the meeting and is published on this website.

Planning Meetings


Planning Consultation - White Paper - Planning for the Future - October 2020

The Government published a consultation document in August 2020 setting out its plan for reform to the planning system in England to streamline and modernise the planning process. 

The Parish Council's response to the consultation is below:

Parish Council Response to White Paper Oct 2020