Traffic and Highways

Traffic Calming - Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) Data

As part of the traffic calming measures in the village centre, two Speed Indicator Devices ("SIDs") are alternated around three locations, into and out of the village, to record speed and number of vehicles travelling through.

The locations are:

  • Goudhurst Road - in and out (east/west)
  • Brenchley Road - in and out (east/west)
  • Lamberhurst Road - in (south to north)
The purpose of the SIDs is to encourage drivers to slow down as they enter the village should they be travelling above the speed limit.

The Council has recently decided to regularly publish the data for residents in the parish who are interested in this matter. 

The data gathered from the devices will therefore be added approximately twice a month, depending on when the data is received.

This site includes data for the past three months.  Should you require older data, please contact the Clerk with specific dates and the information will be supplied to you.

This data forms part of traffic information to help support traffic calming measures into the future.

IT SHOULD BE NOTED that the data is an indicative tool intended for the purpose of speed education and reduction and is not completely accurate and that should any developer use it as part of a planning application, they should disclose that the data is not entirely accurate.

(NOTE: Due to the format of the data, it does not currently meet Government

accessibility regulations).

SID 1 29/11/2024 SID 1 Brenchley Road Outgoing 
SID 2 29/11/2024 SID 2 Lamberhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 14/11/2024 Brenchley Road Outgoing 
SID 2 14/11/2024 Lamberhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 31/10/2024 Brenchley Road Incoming 
SID 2 31/10/2024 Goudhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 03/10/2024 Brenchley Road Outgoing 
SID 2 04/10/2024 Goudhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 19/09/2024 Brenchley Road Outgoing 
SID 2 19/09/2024 Goudhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 05/09/2024 Brenchley Road Incoming 
SID 2 05/09/2024 Lamberhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 22/08/2024 Brenchley Road Incoming 
SID 2 22/08/2024 Lamberhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 08/08/2024 Brenchley Road Outgoing 
SID 2 08/08/2024 Goudhurst Road Outgoing 
SID 1 25/07/2024 Brenchley Road Outgoing
SID 2 25/07/2024 Goudhurst Road Incoming 
SID 1 11/07/2024 Brenchley Road Incoming 
SID 2 11/07/2024 Goudhurst Road Outgoing 


 Traffic Calming - Measures

Highways Improvement Plans (HIPS)

The Parish Council has a current HIPs list which it is pursuing with Kent Highways regarding area of highway in the parish  which it would like to see improved or made safer. This is effectively a 'wish list' and each item has to be considered  by Kent Highways . For more information on the current HIPs click here: HIPs

Traffic Regulation Order May 2019

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council has created a useful page on their website which allows us to report near-misses.  Recording every near-miss, particularly at hot spots around the village, will provide data about incidents.  Here is a link:

TWBC Near-misses Reporting Tool 


Road Works

Road works are regularly planned by Kent County Council.  The Parish Council receives notifications and will share them on this site and social media.  However, details are sometimes delayed which means we find out about these after they have actually started.  If works are an emergency, the Council may not receive the information at all.

Here is a useful link:  Kent Roads Information